
Facilitator Resource Library

We have compiled a list of all of the resources for you to easily access.

Why is mental health hard to talk about?
¿Por qué es difícil hablar de salud mental?

Unit 01 - Mental Health

Write your awesome label here.

Unit 02 - Your Brain

Write your awesome label here.

Unit 03 - Connectedness

Write your awesome label here.

Unit 04 - Balance

 Unit 4 Facilitator Slides: Balancing Your Health Triangle

Write your awesome label here.

Unit 05 - Screen Time

Write your awesome label here.

Unit 06 - Awareness

 Unit 6 Facilitator Slides: Reducing Stigma, Self-Advocating, Seeking Help

Write your awesome label here.

Closing Message!

Graduate Course Offerings

3 graduate credits

3 graduate credits

3 graduate credits
3 graduate credits
Write your awesome label here.
3 graduate credits
Write your awesome label here.
3 graduate credits
Write your awesome label here.
3 MSDE CPD Credits

To enroll in Shepherd graduate classes: 

  1. Click HERE to access information about enrollment. 
  2. Complete payment to Shepherd University. Full instructions are found on the second page of registration form.

We recommend that you check with your school district and/or state licensing agency to verify these course offerings will meet your district and/or state requirements for salary advancement and/or state certificate re-licensure.

*Shepherd classes for the upcoming semester are study at your own pace but must be completed by 7/31 for this semester. You can email Shepherd University after 8/12/23 for your receipt and transcript.